Four Reasons Why You Need to Support Movember

For far too long, men have not taken great care of themselves. Fathers especially need to model good health for our children. Movember is a great way to raise not only awareness, but necessary funds to tackle some of the biggest health issues faced by men: prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health and suicide prevention. “Our fathers, partners, brothers and friends face a health crisis that isn’t being talked about. Men are dying too young. We can’t afford to stay silent.” 

1) “Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men, and rates are on the rise. By 2030 there’ll be 1.7 million men living with prostate cancer. It’s already killing hundreds of thousands of men each year, and those who survive face serious side effects.”

2) “When testicular cancer strikes, it strikes young. Most of those men are between 15 and 40 years old. We have to help them, and stop men from dying too young.”

3) “Globally, the rate of suicide is alarmingly high, particularly in men. Around the world, on average we lose a man to suicide every minute of every day. Three out of four suicides are men. Too many are toughing it out and struggling alone. We have to take action to improve mental health and reduce the rate of male suicide.”

4) You get to grow a mustache if you don’t have one already. 

Simply, these are causes that affect all of us. So, consider supporting me this Movember, admire my stache, and share some of these important facts with friends and family! 

Posted on November 15, 2016 and filed under Movember.